

大学、社区 & 职业生涯

纽波特纽斯是一个充满变化的地方. Its origins were in a climate of change and vibrant progress, and it is still a bustling business center that, 重视过去, 展望未来. From transportation to 科学 research, the 纽波特纽斯 area thrives on innovation.

纽波特纽斯 has a lively mix of robust businesses so that the local economy is not tied to any one sector. 根据 城市数据, manufacturing accounts for 16 percent of local business; retail and construction are another 12 percent each. 专业, 科学, and technical services-such as web development and network services-are responsible for another seven percent of employment. 对于一个182人的城市来说,000, 也就是12点左右,740 纽波特纽斯 residents make good livings as professionals, 科学家们, 和技术人员. Some of these professionals are web developers who earned their credentials right in 纽波特纽斯.


十大正规网堵平台 纽波特纽斯校区 on Omni Boulevard houses many programs, among them the bachelor's degree in web development. 报名参加本课程的学生.5-year program are on the fast track to success, whether with local companies like information technology consultancy CGI or with companies with a larger reach, 比如雷多斯.

在你2岁的时候.5 years at 十大正规网堵平台 纽波特纽斯校区, 你可以认识同学, join clubs for fun and business networking, 并回馈社会. Focus on building strong ties to the people and places of 纽波特纽斯 as you learn the skills that can take you anywhere in the world.


If you already live and work in 纽波特纽斯 or the surrounding areas of Hampton, 威廉斯堡, 约克城, 格洛斯特, 或Poquoson, 十大正规网堵平台 could be a smart choice for furthering your education in web development. You can take classes convenient to your work schedule, gain valuable experience with local companies, and remain in the area after earning your degree.

You have many opportunities to apply your skills in web development, 不仅仅是大的, local businesses but with multinational companies maintaining a local presence. Once you begin your career in web development in 纽波特纽斯, your future could take you anywhere in the world.


十大正规网堵平台, we want students to feel connected to the community, so we encourage faculty and students to support our local causes, such as the American Cancer Society, 肌肉萎缩症协会, 以及收养高速公路计划.

Clubs at 十大正规网堵平台 provide support and contact with like-minded students:

  • Phi 的ta Kappa-的 Honor Society for two-year programs
  • 商业俱乐部
  • 认证俱乐部-当你学习时, you can learn the skills to earn certifications, 例如认证Web开发人员, Microsoft 技术 Associate (MTA: HTML5 App Development Fundamentals), or Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer (MCSD)

Another aspect of 十大正规网堵平台 approach to combining academic and real-world study is our employer partnerships. Local companies hire our students and in turn provide feedback to make our programs, from web development to mechatronics, 更好更有用. Local companies with which we have formed partnerships include :

  • 安海斯-布希
  • 球公司
  • 电子系统
  • 徽章技术服务
  • Zel技术


Web development is an interesting part of the e-commerce world. You can find a comfortable fit in a large corporation or you can work in a small boutique firm providing services to dozens of clients. You can possibly even set out on your own, working from your 纽波特纽斯 residence to provide web services for clients scattered all over the country.

Smaller web development companies dot the 纽波特纽斯 landscape, too. 新鲜的看, RevoVision, GraphicMemory, and others may seem like storefront or cottage industries, but they have large client bases and long reach.


的 way to reach your future as a web developer is by calling 十大正规网堵平台 at (844) 611-0618 to learn more about its 纽波特纽斯 program. 的 Bachelor of Science in Computer and Information Science with a concentration in Web Development is available at the campus at 1001 Omni Boulevard. 只用了2分钟.5年强化课程, 实用的学习, you can be well on your way to a bright future as a web developer. 接触十大正规平台 今天了解更多.